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right of action中文是什么意思

用"right of action"造句"right of action"怎么读"right of action" in a sentence"right of action"的同义词


  • 起诉权
  • 诉讼权


  • The right of action in respect of compensation shall lapse after two years
  • Analysis on the legal status and the right of action of the crime litigation victim in the criminal prosecution process
  • “ no right of action , no remedy ” is a legal saying as famous as the old proverb “ no remedy , no rights ”
    法谚云“没有救济,就没有权利” ,可是“没有诉权,就没有救济” 。
  • This section reviews the theories of right of action in history first , and then provides one formal criterion and three substantive criteria
  • Right of action is the precondition for tortious compensation suits of securities fraud , but it has been involved in substantive rights
  • Right of action is not only the footstone of civil procedural theory , but also “ a practical task connected closely with people ’ common life ”
    诉权不仅是民事诉讼理论的基石,也是一个“与普通百姓的日常生活有密切联系的实践性课题” 。
  • I release the bar from any and all rights of action that may arise in the future , howsoever arising in relation to the scheme , and i waive such rights
  • Failure by ov to take action against any distributor for breach of the agreement shall not be a waiver of its right of action in the future
  • On account of the basis of further discussion , this part clarifies four relevant definitions , viz . right of action , party , subject matter of action and the effect of the judgment
  • It is proposed that strengthening restraint of abandonment of right of action in advance , learning from " quasi - prosecution system " in japan , and reforming the legislative design of " private prosecution indictment "
    提出加强对不起诉权行使的事前制约以及借鉴日本的“准起诉制度” ,改革“公诉转自诉”的立法设计。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
用"right of action"造句  


  • the legal right to sue


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